“Warning: A Cold Sore Could Cause Alzheimer’s” is the latest article featured in Dr. Mark Stengler’s “Natural Healing” newsletter via Bottom Line Press.
There is growing evidence that Alzheimer’s may be caused by the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1) which typically causes fever blisters or cold sores on the face and in the mouth. HSV1 attacks the peripheral nervous system and once infected, you always have the virus lying dormant which will occasionally reactivate when triggered by stress or fatigue.
Flareups of HSV1 in the brain can cause damage associated with Alzheimer’s. The brain defends against the HSV1 by producing beta-amyloid protein. The presence of HSV1/beta-amyloid along with genetic susceptibility to Alzheimer’s may result in inflammation in the brain activated by stress and fatigue.I
If testing for elevated immunoglobulins G & H caused by an HSV1 infection is high then the following supplements should be considered:
- Lysine: is an amino acid that blocks arginine, another amino acid that HSV1 needs to reproduce. Dose: 500 mg, three times a day.
- Vitamin D: renders HSV1 dormant. Your Dr should test for desired blood level of 70-80 ng/mL. Dose: 400
- Curcumin: the active ingredient in Turmeric (Curry) inhibits HSV1. Dose: 200-400 mg turmeric extract with 95% curcuminoids daily.
An active infection with HSV1 can be treated on a chronic basis with a Doctor’s Rx for a daily dose of 500 mg of the antiviral drug valacyclovir (Valtrex). The effectiveness of this therapy should be checked annually by testing for antibody levels.
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