Dr. Bob’s Tooth Truth Blog

Words from the mouth, heart and mind of a caring dentist

OMNICAM 3D Dental Camera

Dr Schwan is as excited as a newborn baby to announce the arrival of the Omnicam 3D Dental Camera which is the very latest upgrade.


The Omnicam can take a full color 3D image of the entire mouth that makes possible precise and predictable results for all our natural tooth colored restorations that can be done in one visit.      

The Omnicam also correlates its images with those taken by our new Galileos Comfort Plus Cone Beam Scanner.  This enables us to place implants and the associated restorations with results unmatched by any other existing system.

sirona-implantWhile the Omnicam gives us precise images in the mouth,

The Galileos Comfort Plus provides a map for the surgeon to carefully place the implant in the proper location with the best bone support while avoiding delicate structures such as the mandibular nerve and other anatomic anomalies.

The next time you visit our office, you may hear a new tune being played by the Omnicam 3D Dental Camera as it gathers up data for another photo impression of someone’s mouth.


Dr Schwan Welcomes Galileos Comfort Plus Cone Beam CT

Dr Schwan is excited to welcome the arrival of the Sirona Galileos Comfort Plus Cone Beam CT.  

Galileos Plus


Images taken with a Cone Beam CT are rapidly becoming the Standard of Care.  With a single 14 Second Scan, the Galileos can deliver very informative 3D images that include Panoramic, Saggital, Axial and Coronal views of varying anatomic thickness for Superior Diagnosis and Treatment Planning.

Diagnostic Images

For our family of patients, just to name a few benefits. Cone Beam Imaging can provide a new higher level of predictability in the planning and placement of implants.  The precise location of infections and their treatment.  Evaluation of the TMJ.   Airway assessment for effective treatment of snoring and sleep apnea.  Furthermore, the Cone Beam Images blend seamlessly with our Cerec 3D CAD CAM system for precise fabrication of implants, crowns and bridgework. 

View of Airway

Since the Galileos Comfort Plus is Sirona’s Flagship, it will be constantly upgraded as new technology and software permit.  The latest addition is the Plus which represents the taking of a superimposed photo that is synchronized flawlessly with the 3D images.

Photo Overlay

Best of all, the Typical Patient Radiation Exposure  for Cone Beam CT ( 12 to 120 microsieverts)  is very low when compared to Conventional CT Scanning  ( 2100 microsieverts).

Smile Makeover

UnknownThe idea of a Smile Makeover does not have to be expensive or intimidating and it is available to anyone beyond only models in Glamour magazine.  It begins with a sharing of past dental office experiences and what desirable expectations can be reasonably met with future care.  Every patient that visits one of our highly trained Hygienists will experience a Smile Makeover every time they come in for a periodic exam and dental cleaning.

Teeth Whitening is readily accomplished with proper guidance from our dental health professionals; it offers a quick solution to stained and dingy teeth that need to be brought back to their original color.

The normal and sometimes abnormal wear and tear on teeth can result in a rough or very uneven anterior smile line; this can be quickly improved with a limited occlusal adjustment which is the equivalent of having your tires balanced or your favorite hunting knife honed, sharpened and polished.  Many times, Mother Nature delivers teeth slightly out of alignment or in an esthetically poor position and these can be corrected with very conservative reshaping and polishing.

A gummy smile can be corrected with Diode Laser treatment that can finally expose the naturally attractive smile that has been hidden by too much gingiva around the necks of the anterior teeth. This can be done under normal local anesthesia with minimal healing time and a low level of any Unknown-1discomfort.

Instant Orthodontics can be accomplished by placing veneers or crowns on teeth that are too small or malposed.

severely worn dentition can cause bite collapse, increased facial aging and muscle and/or joint   problems.  This can be corrected with new dentures, crowns or onlays to restore the normal architecture of the mouth.

Finally, we now have the ability to completely replace the original teeth with implant supported teeth that come the closest to what God gave you.

Smile Makeovers can range from the very simple to more complex.  Thanks to modern dentistry the process can be carefully planned and accomplished with a high level of predictability and comfort.









Bad Teeth? You made them that way! But there is Good News!

My parents had Bad Teeth and I’ve got the same problem! 

No Way!  What you have is Bad Habits.

What Bad Habits you ask?

Acid Eroded Teeth

  • Frequently eating or drinking starch or sugar containing food or beverage  during the day.
  • Brushing right after you eat.
  • Scrubbing the teeth like bathroom tile.
  • Rinsing your mouth after you brush with water or worse, mouthwash.
  • Constantly sipping water from your designer sports bottle.

Yeah but I’ve always done that!

Time to review the facts:

  • Every time you eat or drink, the normal bacteria in your mouth break down the carbohydrates with an increase in acidity that lasts for one half hour after the last mouthful.  So if you eat or sip all day long your mouth is constantly acidic.
  • If you brush during this acidity, your teeth are softer and get literally worn away by your brushing.
  • The brush is very stiff from the last use of toothpaste; scrubbing action is like giving your teeth thirty lashes for bad behavior.  First soften the brush by rubbing with your thumb under warm water and then only use a vibratory motion with pressure to clean.
  • There are beneficial ingredients in toothpaste that should soak in for at least one half hour but if you rinse, all that potential benefit goes down the drain.
  • Many popular mouthwash formulas are acidic to “kill bacteria” but also make your teeth softer.
  • Saliva is very protective of your teeth because it neutralizes the acidity and helps to fight the bad bacteria.  But every time you sip water or any other beverage, you’re washing away or diluting the saliva.

So what should you be doing to save your teeth?

  • Try to eat no more than three times a day and if you snack, try to eat a combination of food that is not acidic.  Foods that can reduce acidity are milk, cheese and nuts.  Avoid vinegar, citrus, fruits and starches.
  • Wait at least one half hour after drinking/eating before brushing;  if you must brush right away, use water or an alkaline mouthwash (baking soda or “Biotene”) to reduce the acidity first.
  • The best brushing stroke is given by an electric toothbrush (Sonicare or OralB’s vibratory motion) which you can simulate with your manual brush which just takes longer.
  • Mouthwash should be used first to reduce the  bacteria count in your mouth, then floss or pick between the teeth and finally brush with a good quality toothpaste.  Lastly do not rinse but spit out the extra toothpaste  and allow the beneficial ingredients to soak in.
  • If you have real sensitive teeth or extensive dental restorations, be sure to use a low abrasive toothpaste which can be any of the products for sensitive teeth such as Sesnsodyne’s Pro-Enamel.

If you take the time to develop Good Habits, you’ll be rewarded with Great Teeth and Healthy Gums.

Brush Your Teeth With Sugar!

Yes you can, as long as it’s Xylitol. Xylitol is a natural occurring alcohol sugar that is commonly used in chewing gum such as “Orbit” and other products.
The main advantage of Xylitol is that it cannot be processed by the natural bacteria in the mouth so that regular use can literally starve the cavity causing bacteria to death!
Used in moderation it can dramatically reduce the incidence of decay in the mouth.
But like all good things there are some precautions that should be heeded. Too much (more than two portions a day) can result in a laxative effect and Xylitol can be lethal to pets.    Dogs rapidly develop insulin shock after ingesting Xylitol and it is toxic to their liver whereas humans have no such problems.
So if your dentist says you have way too many cavities, try to have at least two exposures to Xylitol in your mouth a day.
It is important to have only products that have 100%  Xylitol and not just small amounts. Some gum or mints have only token amounts of Xylitol and primarily Sorbitol which is cheaper to produce and of  little or no benefit.
Sources of Xyltol include: www.zellies.com, www.xlear.com and www.drjohns.com.
So experience the minty, cool and refreshing taste of Xyltol and enjoy better dental health.

Bad Breath Quick Cures


The universal desire to be socially acceptable is often fraught with challenges.  One of the most common obstacles to “closeness” is “BAD BREATH”!  So what can you do to pass through this possible minefield of rejection?  Consider using the following  “Quick Cures”.

  1. Stay Hydrated:  The most common cause of morning breath, headaches and muscle spasms is lack of adequate water in your diet.  Eight-eight ounce glasses a day seems like a lot but if you even approach this goal, you’ll feel a lot better.
  2. Gargle with mouth wash: Listerine is alcohol based but that’s why it works!  There are also excellent non-alcohol based mouthwashes that work well.  The least expensive is 3% Hydrogen Peroxide cut in half with water.
  3. Clean your teeth, gum tissue and tongue:  Start with flossing between the teeth (be sure to wrap the floss against each opposing tooth in the space your in and go up and down several times); an alternate to floss is the “Stimudent” triangular tooth picks or for tight spaces try the new “Ultradent Opalpix”  which are thinner for tight spaces.   The last thing you should do is brush your teeth, gum tissue and tongue surface with a good quality manual or better yet electric toothbrush using one of the whitening/desensitizing toothpastes.  For example Crest’s “Pro-Health” or “Sensodyne”.

Please note the order is important!  By leaving the brushing with toothpaste as last,  you should spit out but not rinse.  The important beneficial ingredients in toothpaste need to soak in over at least a half hour.  If you rinse afterward, all those benefits go down the drain!

An Adjunct to all the above is to prevent your lips and nose passages from drying out.  Lips appreciate any good quality lip balm.  For the nostrils, you can place any unscented vaseline or skin lotion that will keep the mucous membranes moist.  If the air passages are blocked, use any basic saline nasal spray before applying the lubricant.  Keeping the mucous membranes healthy minimizes the ability for unwanted cold or flu viruses from getting into your system.

Remember to floss or pic only the teeth you want to keep!

And forget about the duct tape!badbreath01

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