Life Begins When You Can Chew Anything With Your Dentures!
Do you recall the joke about when life really begins for a married couple? After the kids are finished with schooling and the tuition is paid in full? When your daughters are all married? When the dog dies? Sorry pet lovers, it’s only a bad joke.
What’s not a joke, is the common frustration of not being able to use your dentures to eat. Huge globs of pink denture adhesive don’t seem to help. The lower denture never seems to fit but slips and slides around like a skate board without wheels. Well that’s because the tongue moves and breaks the seal of the lower denture more than 2000 times a day, every time you swallow. The upper denture is rarely a problem because it is relatively secure with undisturbed suction.
Well life really begins when you can chew anything with your dentures! How is this possible? Two implants placed by a surgeon are the foundation for two locator abutments which is the dentist’s version of clothing snaps. Once these are inserted into your lower denture, you can throw away that awful adhesive forever.
Placement of locator abutments to stabilize lower dentures is now considered the “Standard Of Care” which means all insurance companies should cover this type of procedure. Any knowledgeable dentist should be able to offer this very successful service. I personally have placed many of these systems. Fortunately we can adjust how tight they are because the usual complaint is that the denture is too hard to remove from the mouth.
Life can begin with that new set of dentures. Pass that corn on the cob.