We hold these truths to be self evident but unfortunately many times we don’t live by them. What follows is a brief list of “Dr Bob’s Life Extending Pearls Of Wisdom.
Reduce Stress:
- Go to bed and get up the same time every day with a combination of sleeping or just staying in bed for any multiple of 1.5 hours- 4.5, 6, or 7.5 since we sleep in 1.5 hour cycles. Keep track & try it.
- Eat breakfast and a total of three or more small meals a day and stop eating after 7 pm.
- Stop eating or drinking the artificial crap that get’s foisted upon us by the “food industry”.
- Stay with wholesome and natural foodstuffs: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein.
- Exercise with every move you make by doing so with vigor; for example drying yourself with a bath towel or walking. Do some sustained aerobics at least three times a week or daily for 20 minutes. Do some specific weight training to maintain your bone strength.
- Go ahead and have that one drink at the end of the day to just settle-I emphasize ONE!
- Take a multiple vitamin, Calcium supplement, Coenzyme Q, and Flaxseed Oil.
- Drink eight-eight ounce glasses of water a day or its equivalent.
- Nurture your companionship needs.
- Say your prayers and be honest with yourself and God.
- Have a good bowel movement.
Make a list of things on your mind:
- Cross out all the things you can have absolutely no effect on the possble outcome.
- Take the remaining items and reduce them to the five most important.
- Get at least one of those taken care of every day.
Become a Positive Force:
- Trash the things that drag you down and start treating yourself to positive thoughts & actions.
- Everyone you meet-the first thing that should come out of your mouth should be a complement.
- The best way to feel good is to first make someone else’s day.
Above all else KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid, JUST DO IT!